
Home » Appellations » Pourpre

POURPRE is the name I chose for this cuvée in reference to the color of the wine: the ruby ​​of Pinot nuanced by the purplish reflections of Gamay.

In the end, it is also the name of the cuvée that changes. For this, I had to give up the AOC Bourgogne Passetoutgrain appellation, which is not very rewarding, it must be said.

As Bourgogne Passetoutgrain is an appellation that does not benefit, sometimes wrongly, from a good reputation that is often justified if you consider the overall market offer. Our customers have always trusted us and we have never had a problem with poor sales in this appellation. However, for several years now I have been thinking about the possibility of revitalising this cuvée.

First vintage under this name: 2018


We farm 0.9316 ha on 5 parcels:

  • Rouges champs (0.1612 ha). Fairly deep ground
  • Pièce des Paquiers (0.19 ha)
  • Blignée (0.242 ha)
  • Glapigny (0.1757 ha)
  • Les Genevrays (0.1627 ha). Soft and filtering soils. Living hedge in the vicinity. Biodiversity