June 2018 Season 2018 : a very fast growth
In the Vineyard…
It’s from the 30th of April really begins the evasivage.

The growth is extremely fast because of the weather conditions.

At the beginning of May, in parallel with this disbudding, it is necessary to carry out the first lifting in the most developed parcels. We must begin to maintain the largest branches between the wire to protect them and prevent them from breaking in case of heavy rain or wind.
In the saints of ice (11 – 12 – 13 May), we can see in some places that the apices reach the wire of the top.
From May 7th, the cycle of protection of the vineyard is undertaken.
On May 16th a biodynamic preparation was sprayed: the 500 Urticae – 500 plus a prolonged infusion of nettles.
In spring for weak vines, virosées, chlorosées, etc. we can greatly help the vine by applying, in foliar, before the flower, the reinforced 500P.
On weak, short-knotted vines, this will give a boost to vegetative growth.
May 22 is spread a preparation of Silica .. This preparation is ideally used in the spring, when the plant approaches the peak of its vigor. It regulates vegetative vigor, strengthens diseases, firms and softens plants.
As the end of May approaches, all the vines are lifted once, while the evasivage is barely finished.
It is May 24th that the first flowers are observed … and its evolution is fast.
As of May 31, in some plots, mid-bloom is largely reached.

The weather forecast disturbed (hot and humid) is not favorable to the disease Mildew …. some leaves begin to be seen stained by the disease.